Femstreet Issue #31 - Weekly Newsletter on Women in Tech & VC

Issue #31
Your weekly newsletter on women in tech, venture and entrepreneurship
Hello there and welcome to Femstreet!
We are back with a new design and a shorter name.
The List of Female Founders in Europe is growing quickly but I am pretty sure that I am missing many of you, so please share the form with others in your network.
List of Female Founders Europe
Here is what people were talking about in the Fem-universe last week:
💸From the Investor

Top Female CEOs To Coach Next Generation Of Startup Founders With The Help Of All Raise.
All Raise female VCs team up with female founders across the U.S. 120 women, representing a combined $4 billion in capital raise, to pay it forward Forbes
The Evolution of Female Founder Office Hours by Jess Lee Medium
List of mentors you can slice and dice by sector and stage Female Founder Office Hours
What the venture landscape is really like for Europe's female founders Pitchbook
Tactics for the investor pitch by Ashley Lundström, Venture Lead at EQT Ventures Medium
Sequoia's Jess Lee reveals jarring tactic she used to raise money for startup Polyvore
A star Silicon Valley investor who sold her startup for $200 million reveals the jarring tactic she had to use to make men pay attention to her pitches. Business Insider

VC Diversity Index
Silicon Valley’s Most and Least Diverse Investors The Information
From the Operator
10 women-led companies in deep tech by Hélènka Guillaum, Co-Founder of WILD Now Medium
What We Need To Do To Provide An Accurate Ship Date For Our Product Femgineer

“I’m a Visual Representation of Why You Should Back Women”: Inside Vanity Fair’s Groundbreaking Founders Fair
Jennifer Garner, Bumble’s Whitney Wolfe Herd, Stitch Fix’s Katrina Lake, and other female entrepreneurs gathered to explore ways to take women-backed ventures to the next level. Vanity Fair
Women in tech share painful stories about getting paid less than the guy working next to them. An engineer talks about the struggles of being a woman in tech. Business Insider
The Chasing Grace Project chronicles the joys and challenges of being a woman in tech. The new series will cover a wide range of topics, ranging from being female founders to online harassment and male allies. TechCrunch
'Don't call me a She-EO': why we must keep the gender parity conversation going by Michelle Kennedy, Co-Founder & CEO of Peanut Telegraph
YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki: Three Ways Tech Companies Should Improve Diversity Forbes
Creating a more diverse and inclusive tech industry: 5 tips you can start implementing today by Andrew McConnell, CEO of Rented.com Linkedin

How 'returnships' help women in tech get back to work after a parenting break Mashable
New Study Finds 5 Key Differences in How Male and Female Founders Raise Capital. Women tend to bootstrap to avoid raising debt. Men tend to raise money however they can and bootstrap to make it go further. Entrepreneur
New Study Sheds Light on Why Men Take More Business Risks Than Women
Strong patterns come out in business metrics and biases. Inc
Why is board diversity important? Deloitte
The 10-Year Baby Window That Is the Key to the Women’s Pay Gap. Women who have their first child before 25 or after 35 eventually close the salary divide with their husbands. It’s the years in between that are most problematic, research shows. New York Times

© Nicholas Leonard & Helen Cochrane
‘We now come, gentlemen, to the most sensitive issue on our agenda. Before we address the consequences of our median pay gap of 48.7 per cent, I have asked my PA, Clarissa, to bring us the last bottle of the case of vintage Cockburns port my grandfather bought just before the crash of 1929’ FinancialTimes
✈️ Weekender is a London-based startup developing AI-powered weekend recommendations at home and abroad.
🏦 Penta is a digital bank for businesses and startups. The UK and Germany-based startup is making the incorporation process and opening a bank account for startups in Germany much easier and faster.
🏃WILD NOW is a London-based sportstech startup tracking physical and mental wellbeing linked to the training you do. WILD NOW is using deep reinforcement learning to unlock actionable insights from human metrics. Starting with endurance sports athletes.
👥 Hundred5 is an Estonian startup offering a performance-based recruiting software for startups and small businesses.
Add your company to the
List of Female Founders in Europe

Accelerate Female Entrepreneurship Summer Camp 2018 in Berlin
📆 Events
SaaStr is setting aside 1,000 Diversity + Inclusion Tickets for 2019 SaaStr Annual. APPLY NOW!
- April 17 in Stockholm: Di Digital Female Founders 2018
- April 17 in London: Networking for Female Founders in Retail
- April 17 in London: Women of Color Diversifying Entrepreneurship in London with Female Founders & Hatch
- April 18 in London: Funding Female Founders by Cuckooz Nest with Fuel Ventures
- April 18 in Malmö: Women in Entrepreneurship Breakfast at MINC
- April 19 in London: Blooms Masterclass: How To Build Up Your Own Resilience And Grit
- May 5 in Munich: WomenHack - recruiting event for women developers, designers, and product managers
- May 7 in Paris: Techstars Roadshow Paris: Women in Tech
Essential Reads of the Week
Thinking About Returns
Rarely do managers specifically talk about one of the top things on LPs minds — returning capital. What is the right sized fund based on my current investment strategy? Cintrifuse Syndicate Fund
What are the biggest Problems You Face as a Startup Founder? by Jason Lemkin SaaStr
The Case for Services in Enterprise Software Startups a16z
In case you missed it ... Tara Reeves of LocalGlobe shares What this VC has learned since coming back from maternity leave Medium
Meet the new non-profit AllRaise founded by 36 senior female investors, dedicated to diversity in funders and founders. AllRaise has set goals to double the % of women in VC partner roles over next 10 years & increase total VC funding to female founders from 15% to 25% in 5 years. Forbes
Top tips for technical interviews from nine of Instagram’s tech girls Medium
The top 16 VC investors in Europe's female-founded companies. Who leads the way in Europe when it comes to investing in female-founded companies? Pitchbook
A startup founder who was rejected 148 times before raising almost $30 million made 2 small changes to get investors excited. Entrepreneur Kathryn Minshew made 2 changes to get investors excited Business Insider
7 VCs give founders their best fundraising advice Pitchbook
Co-founder of Diversity VC shares her seed investing framework Medium

Comments, questions, tips? Send me a note!
Until next Sunday,
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